About Us
ehh.. MaKareena?? Aaayy! ☝
Just like the catchy Spanish pop tune of the early 90's, this travelling duo aims to creep its way to countries worldwide. Busting moves here and there, asking you to dance away with them!
Who would have thought that a person's technical first name could only
contain 2 letters? A bit stingy, you reckon? Nonetheless, she had 4 more
succeeding names to compensate for it. The smart and official driver of
the pair, Ma or "Maan" (ma-ahn),
as she is more fondly known, is the "eye" of the MaKareena's. Most
photos are inspired by how she sees the world with the MaKareena's in
it. Miniscule but a happy and ardent participant.
The stubborn but sensible dogmatic. Plans holidays to the T, but also
craves spontaneity. Indeed, being ironic is her style! She is the idea
behind where-to-next and what food to overindulge with. The less uptight
lady amongst them, she is always willing to try something new
and believes vacation aren't always a luxury.
Unlike any other T-blog (travel blog) scattered online, the MaKareena Adventures are smacked right in-between the extravagant im-living-on-a-yatch kinda holiday and that of your backpacking experience where you got robbed off your one shoe. Practical and comfort travel where you get to mingle with the locals (or not! If you do not want to.
) without letting you say yes to that 3rd overtime your boss is asking you to.

Both juggling fulltime work as an engineer
and a nurse, they will show you that sometimes travelling and seeing the
world is not easy. But it sure is more fun than being stuck on your
couch watching another episode of Law & Order Season 16 on re-run.